How to Connect to the Internet
DSL (high-speed broadband)
See the Network Tallahassee DSL Support section of this site.
Nothing needs to be configured on your computer to connect to the internet via DSL; your computer treats it as a regular network connection.
The DSL modem handles the connection to Network Tallahassee.
How to create a new dial-up connection
Network Tallahassee (NTI) no longer offers dial-up service as of 2018-07-12. Please see for our DSL and other connectivity options.
Any documents on this Network Tallahassee Technical Support site relating to dial-up service may be removed at any time, however they may remain as historical references to those obtaining dial-up service elsewhere.
If you have an existing dial-up connection profile and simply need to update the dial-up number, see the following document:
How to update your dial-up number
- Windows
- Apple / Macintosh
- Linux
- Amiga
How to configure email
See: Email information...