Windows 10
- Windows 10 update history
- Upgrade to Windows 10 from Windows 8.x and 7
- Windows Update Delivery Optimization caveat
- Wireless network Wi-Fi Sense caveat
- Built-in web browsers: Edge and Internet Explorer
- How to create a Programs list toolbar (similar to old Start menus)
- How to display the Quick Link menu (Control Panel, Command Prompt, File Explorer, etc.)
- Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcuts
- Windows 8.1 Update Power User Guide (still mostly relevant for Windows 10)
- Other Windows 10 information
Windows 10 update history
Upgrade to Windows 10 from Windows 8.x and 7
- Windows 10 FAQ (frequently asked questions)
- Upgrade to Windows 10
- The media creation tool can be used to upgrade your current PC to Windows 10 or to create USB or DVD installation media and install Windows 10 on a different PC or the current one at a later time.
Windows Update Delivery Optimization caveat
In Windows 10, Windows Update is mandatory and users cannot select or deselect which updates to install. They will all install automatically, however some versions of Windows 10 will allow certain updates to be deferred. See this:
Defer upgrades in Windows 10
Windows Update in Windows 10 also introduces a feature called Windows Update Delivery Optimization that is enabled by default and may or may not be desireable by end-users. See the following:
- View your Windows Update settings:
- Click the
Start button or press the
Windows logo key on the keyboard to bring up the Start Menu.
- Click Settings.
- Click Update & Security (you may need to scroll down to see it)
- In the Windows Update section, click Advanced options.
- Click Choose how updates are delivered (not the Choose how updates are installed heading)
- See the Windows Update Delivery Optimization FAQ (frequently asked questions) for more information about the settings in this window.
- Click the
Wireless network Wi-Fi Sense caveat
Windows 10 introduces Wi-Fi Sense that allows your wireless Windows 10 computer/device to automatically connect to wireless networks of friends, etc. that also participate with Wi-Fi Sense -- and those same people can automatically connect to your wireless network.
This may or may not be desireable to the end-user. See the following for more information and instructions on how to enable or disable this feature:
Wi-Fi Sense FAQ (frequently asked questions)
Built-in web browsers: Edge and Internet Explorer
Windows 10 includes two web browsers:
- Microsoft Edge - This is aimed more toward touch-screen users and has very few customization capabilities, but is ultimately supposed to replace Internet Explorer.
- Microsoft Internet Explorer - This is the same full-featured Internet Explorer 11 used in Windows 8.x and Windows 7.
How to change the default web browser from Edge to Internet Explorer
- Open Default Programs
Method 1:- Click the
Start button or press the
Windows logo key on the keyboard to bring up the Start Menu.
- Without clicking anywhere, simply start typing default programs
- Click Default Programs Desktop app at the top of the search results
- Press
+X on the keyboard (or right-click the
Start button in Desktop mode) to display the Quick Link menu, then click Control Panel.
- To the far-right of Adjust your computer's settings, make sure View by is set to either Large icons or Small icons.
- Click Default Programs.
- Click the
- In the Default Programs window, click Set your default programs.
- Click Internet Explorer on the left.
- Click Choose defaults for this program on the right.
- Make sure the checkboxes for the following are all selected (in addition to whatever may already be selected):
Name Description Current Default .htm HTM File Microsoft Edge .html HTML File Microsoft Edge HTTP URL:HyperText Transfer Protocol Microsoft Edge HTTPS URL:HyperText Transfer Protocol with Privacy Microsoft Edge - Click Save.
How to add the Internet Explorer icon to the taskbar and/or Start menu
- Click the
Start button or press the
Windows logo key on the keyboard to bring up the Start Menu.
- Without clicking anywhere, simply start typing internet explorer
- Option 1: right-click Internet Explorer Desktop app at the top of the search results and click Pin to taskbar.
- Option 2: right-click Internet Explorer Desktop app at the top of the search results and click Pin to Start.
How to create a Programs list toolbar (similar to old Start menus)
How to create a toolbar in the taskbar that resembles the Windows 7 (and earlier) Start menu's list of programs:
- Right-click an empty area of the taskbar (bar spanning the bottom of the screen) and choose Toolbars then New toolbar...
- In the New Toolbar - Choose a folder window, enter the following into the Address field at the top of the window, then click the Select Folder button:
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs - Click on the two arrows to the right of Programs near your clock and you will see the list of programs.
How to display the Quick Link menu (Control Panel, Command Prompt, File Explorer, etc.)
The Quick Links menu provides a quick way to access several administrative, advanced options.
- Keyboard: Press
- Mouse: Right-click the
Start button.
- Touch: Press and hold the
Start button.

Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcuts
See the following for a listing of useful keyboard shortcuts for Windows 10:
Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcuts