How to connect to the internet
using Windows Vista
To create an internet connection profile in previous versions of Windows, see the following instructions:
How do I connect to the internet using the New Connection Wizard? (Windows XP)
How do I connect to the internet using the Internet Connection Wizard? (Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000)
Search for local dial-up numbers in your area
Nettally (NTI) no longer offers dial-up service as of 2018-07-12. Please see for our DSL and other connectivity options.
Any documents on this Nettally Technical Support site relating to dial-up service may be removed at any time, however they may remain as historical references to those obtaining dial-up service elsewhere.
- Click the
(Start) button then Connect To.
- Connect to a network
Click Set up a connection or network - Connect to a network: Select a connection option
Select Connect to the Internet - Connect to the Internet: How do you want to connect?
Select Dial-up - Connect using a dial-up modem or ISDN. - Connect to the Internet: Type the information from your Internet service provider (ISP)
Dial-up phone number: (your local dial-up number)
User name: (determined when you signed up for service)--This is normally the part before the @ symbol in your email address.
Password: (determined when you signed up for service)
- Show characters (select this checkbox if you want to verify you typed the password correctly)
- Remember this password (select this checkbox)
- Allow other people to use this connection (select this checkbox to allow any user on your computer access to this dial-up connection)
- Connect to the Internet: The Internet connectivity test was unsuccessful
Click Set up the connection anyway
Make your NetTally dial-up connection
dial whenever a network connection is not present
- Click the
(Start) button then Control Panel.
- If Control Panel Home is selected on the left:
- Click Network and Internet.
- Click Internet Options.
- Internet Properties
Click on the Connections tab.
Make sure that Dial whenever a network connection is not present is selected instead of Never dial a connection.
Click NetTally one time to highlight it then click the Set default button.
Click OK.